* Prices subject to sales tax at check out.


Contributes to a Happier, Healthier, and More Fulfilling Lifestyle
Enjoy experiencing rehydration, optimal health, rejuvenation, revitalization, and reinvigoration can dramatically enhance your overall wellbeing. When you prioritize self-care and proper hydration, you will not only look and feel your best, but also enjoy a more vibrant and energetic life.
Peak Performance
60 min - $175
Your muscles will thank you! Promotes pre and post muscle performance as well as muscle recovery, endurance, and refuels the body. Flushes out lactic acid and restores hydration.
B Vitamin Blend
Taurine and Amino Blend with Glutamine
Ornithine, Lysine, Citruline
Suggested Add-On: Glutathione (anti-oxidant) $50.00
Just Dripping Rehydration
60 min - $125
Just need to be replenished, feeling blah, morning sickness getting the better of you? Instant hydration.
Add-Ons $50 each, or 3 for $100
Skinny Drip
60 min - $175
The ultimate fat burning and metabolism boosting drip.
B Vitamin Blend
B12 Vitamin
Suggested Add-On: Glutathione (anti-oxidant) $50
Healthy Glow Drip
60 min - $185
Reinvigorate and rejuvenate hair, skin nails, and complexion. The ultimate beauty boost to look and feel amazing!
B Vitamin Blend
Ascorbic Acid
Suggested Add-On: Glutathione $50 – A great anti-aging boost.
Super Immune Buster Drip
75 min - $199
Restore and revitalize your immune system. Boosts energy, reduces inflammation, promotes healing, and helps recover from recent illness.
Vitamin C Infusion
B Vitamin Blend
Suggested Add-On: Glutathione (anti-oxidant) $50
Aunt Flo's Drip
60 min - $185
Replenish energy and stamina associated with PMS. Decreases bloating, and general aches and pains.
B Vitamin Blend
Vitamin C
Add-Ons according to symptoms. $35 each, or 3 for $75. Zofran for nausea, Toradol for aches and pains, and Glutathione as anti-oxidant
Brainiac Drip
60 min - $185
Optimize your brain function, promotes clear focus, improves memory and overall brain health.
Ammino Acid Trio
B Complex Vitamins
Suggested Add-on: Glutathione (anti-oxidant) $50
Antioxidant "Gluta" Drip
45 min - $150
“The Mother of All Antioxidants!” Same as the Push, only in a drip
Flu (Floo) Fighter Drip
60 min - $185
Rocked by the flu, stomach bug, or a cold? Your body will be jumping for joy once rehydrated!
Vitamin Blend
Suggested Add-On: Glutathione (anti-oxidant) $50.00
Suggested Add-On: Nausea Medication $25.00
Bender Mender
60 min - $175
A hangover’s best friend! Rehydrate, refresh, relieve nausea, headache, fatigue, and brain fogginess.
B Vitamin Blend
Suggested Add-On: Pepcid (upset stomach), Toradal (headache) $30.00 each
Suggested Add-On: Nausea Medication $25.00
Meyers Cocktail Drip
60 min - $175
The most popular and gold standard! Great for general wellness as well as muscle recovery, restores general cellular balance, fatigue buster, and boosts mood.
B Vitamin Blend
B12 Vitamin
Vitamin C
Suggested Add-On: Glutathione (anti-oxidant) $50
Fatigue Buster Drip
60 min - $185
Instant recharge and pick me up! Great before traveling as well as for jet lag, working long hours, stressed, or exhausted.
Vitamin Blend
Vitamin C Boost
Suggested Add-On: Glutathione (anti-oxidant) $50
Immune Booster Drip
45 min - $160
Immune booster, energy booster, and inflammation reducer. Aids in the healing process.
Vitamin C (lower dose)
B Vitamins
Suggested Add-On: Glutathione (anti-oxidant) $50
Morning Sickness Revival Drip
60 min - $150
Rehydration, and fluid replacement. Must discuss with OB prior to visit.
Saline IV Fluids
B6 Vitamin
B12 Vitamin
Add-On: Reglan $25 (Helpful to relieve stomach ache and / or heartburn)
Antioxidant "Gluta" Push
20 min - $50 to 150
“The Mother of All Antioxidants!” Restores at a cellular level, detoxifies kidney and liver, promotes a healthy immune system, and possesses anti-aging properties allowing your body to look and feel younger and glowing skin internally and externally. A great post chemotherapy treatment, or mold exposure, to decrease exposure symptoms.
Pricing is dependent on dose.
We provide IV therapy in the comfort of your home or at an event or party. We have memberships and gift cards available upon request.
Take the Next Step to Better Health
Act Now!

Weight Management
Enhanced Metabolism and Breakdown of Fats

IV therapy offers significant benefits for weight management and support by delivering a powerful combination of essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream. This targeted approach facilitates enhanced metabolism and aids in the breakdown of fats, contributing to weight loss efforts.
Semaglutide (1 to 3 months)
30 min - $300
If appropriate for you, this is a 1 to 3-month process. Semaglutide will be given to you weekly using a very small needle in your abdomen. With Semaglutide and proper diet, usual weight loss is 1-2 lbs weekly.
Suggested Add-On: B12 for nausea $30.00 or B12 + Lipo IM $35.00
This program also includes consultations as requested.
B12 - (Add-on)
20 min - $30
B12 Add-on helps decrease nausea and further increases metabolism. (Semaglutide sold separately)
Semaglutide (4 to 6 months)
30 min - $400
If appropriate for you, this is a 4 to 6-month process. Semaglutide will be given to you weekly using a very small needle in your abdomen. With Semaglutide and proper diet, usual weight loss is 1-2 lbs weekly.
Suggested Add-On: B12 for nausea $30.00 or B12 + Lipo IM $35.00
This program also includes consultations as requested.
B12 + Lipo IM (Add-On)
20 min - $35
Helps increase metabolism to the max (Semaglutide sold separately)

Wellness - Add ons
Enables Quicker Recovery and Enhances Peak Performance

By optimizing health and wellbeing, IV therapy enables quicker recovery and a rejuvenated feeling. Intravenous (IV) therapy and intramuscular (IM) injections use different additives to minimize various ailments or enhance peak performance.
Let's Do It!
20 min
B12 Injection
Increases metabolism to promote better weight loss
10 min
Relieves heartburn caused by reflux
10 min
Relieves upset stomach and / or nausea
20 min
Lipo + B12 IM
Assists with weight loss and increases metabolism
10 min
Mega anti-inflammatory pain reliever
10 min
Anti-nausea medication